
What is the role of education in bringing the gospel to societies where Jesus is either not known or not followed?

Posts tagged holism
From Asia: Education for Economic Transformation

by David Lim

Economic transformation is perhaps the most important aspect of societal transformation, given the fact that the market dominates the agenda of our globalized world today. This was popularized by Francis Fukuyama’s book The End of History and the Last Man (1992) that built on his essay “The End of History?” (1989), which asserted that capitalism in liberal democracies is the “ultimate” global ideal henceforth. Yet poverty has persisted if not increased, and the gap between the rich and the poor regionally and globally has continued to widen. What is the biblical vision and mission for the economic order in local communities, in national plans and among nations?

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Reflection from Africa: Christian Universities as Channels of Blessings for the Nations

by Moussa Bongoyok

Universities are very strategic in today’s societies. Charles Malik, in his A Christian Critique of the University, pointed out that “the university determines the course of events and the destiny of man more than any institution today” (page 25). For this reason, if Christians are to impact their nations with the message of the Gospel, they cannot afford to be on the margins of what is happening in universities.

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From India: The Integrated Learning Experience

by Ken Gnanakan

Our modern education systems are mostly based in fragmented and disintegrated learning models. We study science, then history, move into philosophy and all these are in their compartments with little or no connection. In recent years, the relevance of these educational systems has come into question. What is education? Why are we doing what we are doing? What kinds of products are we delivering? What effect are our educational packages having on students within their own local contexts? And for biblical and theological institutions we ask - Are we really preparing men and women for effective ministry within their contexts?

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