Abstract: Discovering Servant in Servant-Leadership
WCIU Journal: Leadership Topic
July 2, 2017
by Kevin Mannoia
In this paper, Kevin Mannoia explores Jesus’ example of Servant Leadership as a model for leadership today. There is a substantial rise in interest in servant leadership in the business world, education and Christian organizations. Leaders hear the ideas and are naturally drawn to the apparent selflessness of the paradigm that puts others first. But the genius of servant leadership is really not in its skills or in its outcomes. The result of learning servant leadership is not merely changed behavior – or it shouldn’t be. Servant leadership is not so much a style of leadership as it is a condition of the leader. In this paper, the author explores why servant leadership is not a formula, but rather a mindset, and how leaders can develop these qualities in their own lives.
Read the full article on page 33 of the Fall 2012 Leadership issue of the WCIU Journal.
Note: this article was originally published in the book Servant First: Readings and Reflections on the Practice of Servant Leadership, published by Precedent Press. Republished with permission from the author.
Kevin W. Mannoia is Professor of Ministry and serves as Chaplain at Azusa Pacific University. Prior to developing this new role, he served as Dean of Haggard School of Theology at APU, coming from his role as President of the National Association of Evangelicals.