Health and Disease

In what ways are followers of Jesus demonstrating God's loving character through caring for the sick, preventing disease, and even attempting to eradicate some diseases?

Photo credit: Sanofi Pasteur - Flickr

Posts tagged spirituality
Holistic Transformational Development through Surgical Care

by Dan Poenaru, M.D.

“I have a dream…” The iconic words, spoken by Martin Luther King, Jr. in 1963 resonate in the ears of all those who, like me, would like to see true transformational development be born and flourish through the church of Jesus Christ in global communities bound by poverty, sickness, injustice, and apathy. This is the dream which has led me to a more than decade-long health care career in Africa, and the dream which made me join, in 2000, BethanyKids, a small faith-based organization whose motto is “healing children in Africa, transforming lives.”

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Evaluating Approaches to Discovering Origins of Diseases: A Conversation with a Medical Doctor

A Conversation between Mike Soderling, M.D., and Rebecca Lewis, Strategist

The whole point of getting to the root causes of disease is to prevent them from happening at all, like scurvy or death in childbirth due to unwashed hands of doctors. Most of these insights have not come from the mainstream in any generation, unfortunately. 

However, we need to be very careful about what we become convinced is the truth of a subject of interest to us. What we buy into must be proven and valid, not anecdotal.

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