Literature Guide: Environmental Risks
Timothy Skinner, MLS, is the reference librarian for William Carey International University.
Compiled by Timothy L. Skinner, MLS
Library of Congress Classification
GE 140 – GE 160 Environmental degradation
GE 145 Environmental risk assessment
RA 1226 Environmental toxicology
QH 75 – QH 77 (Landscape protection)
RB 152.5 – RB 152.6 Environmentally induced diseases
TD 169 – TD 171.8 Environmental protection
Dewey Decimal Classification
577 Ecology
Library of Congress Subject Headings
Agricultural wastes
Arsenic wastes
Cancer—Environmental aspects
Contaminated forests
Corrosive wastes
Cruise ships—Waste disposal
Cutover lands
Cyanide wastes
Ecological disturbances
Environmental degradation
Environmental law
Environmental refugees
Environmental risk assessment
Environmentally sensitive areas
Forest degradation
Geochemical diseases
Hazardous wastes
Infectious wastes
Land degradation
Landfill gases
Liability for environmental damages
Mercury wastes
Multiple chemical sensitivity
Offenses against the environment
Oil spills
Pesticide waste
Plastic scrap
Radioactive wastes
Refuse and refuse disposal
Sewage disposal
Waste disposal in the ground
Waste disposal in the ocean
Waste disposal sites
Waste gases
(Note: An asterisk indicates an e-book held by Latourette Library.)
Reference Books
The Atlas of Endangered Species (2009)
Atlas of Global Conservation: Changes, Challenges, and Opportunities to Make a Difference (2010)
Encyclopedia of Climate Change, 3 vol. (2016)
Encyclopedia of Disasters: Environmental Catastrophes and Human Tragedies 2 vol. (2008)
Encyclopedia of Environmental Change, 3 vol. (2nd ed., 2016)
Encyclopedia of Sustainability (2010)
Oxford Companion to Global Change (2009)
World at Risk: A Global Issues Sourcebook (2002)
General and Miscellaneous
*Armon, Robert, and Uta Cheruti. 2012. Environmental Aspects of Zoonotic Diseases: How Man and Globalization Create and Spread Illness.
Behnassi, Mohamed, Himangana Gupta, and Olaf Pollmann, eds. 2019. Human and Environmental Security in the Era of Global Risk: Perspectives from Africa, Asia, and the Pacific Islands. Springer.
Das Gupta, Rajarshi, and Rajib Shaw. 2017. Participatory Mangrove Management in a Changing Climate: Perspectives from the Asia-Pacific. Springer.
Korfmacher, Katrina Smith. 2019. Bridging Silos: Collaborating for Environmental Health and Justice in Urban Communities. MIT Press.
*Lindell, Michael K., and Ronald W. Perry. 2004. Communicating Environmental Risk in Multiethnic Communities.
*Measham, Thomas B., and Stewart Lockie. 2012. Risk and Social Theory in Environmental Management.
*Pierce, Jessica, and Andrew Jameton. 2004. The Ethics of Environmentally Responsible Health Care.
Schlossberg, Tatiana. 2019. Inconspicuous Consumption: The Environmental Impact You Don’t Know You Have. Grand Central Publishing.
Sivanpillai, Ramesh, and John F. Shroder, eds. 2015. Biological and Environmental Hazards, Risks, and Disasters. Elsevier.
Vickers, Marques. 2017. In Search of Toxic Silicon Valley: The Subterranean Poisoning from High Technology Manufacturing. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.
Environmental Degradation
*Carmin, JoAnn, and Julian Agyeman. 2011. Environmental Inequalities Beyond Borders: Local Perspectives on Global Injustices.
*Dinar, Shlomi. 2011. Beyond Resource Wars: Scarcity, Environmental Degradation, and International Cooperation.
*Hollander, Jack M. 2003. The Real Environmental Crisis: Why Poverty, Not Affluence, Is the Environment’s Number One Enemy.
*Elvin, Mark. 2004. The Retreat of the Elephants: An Environmental History of China.
McElwee, Charles. 2011. Environmental Law in China: Mitigating Risk and Ensuring Compliance. Oxford University Press.
Nadin, Rebecca, Sarah Opitz-Stapleton, and Xu Yinlong, eds. 2015. Climate Risk and Resilience in China. Routledge.
Sterndorff-Cisterna, Nicholas. 2018. Food Safety after Fukushima: Scientific Citizenship and the Politics of Risk. University of Hawaii Press.
Waugh, William L., Jr., and Ziqiung Han, eds. 2017. Recovering from Catastrophic Disaster in Asia. Emerald Publishing.
Yoneda, Minoru, and Mazlin Mokhtar, eds. 2018. Environmental Risk Analysis for Asian-oriented, Risk-based Watershed Management: Japan and Malaysia. Springer.