Literature Guide: Cross-Cultural Communication
Timothy Skinner, MLS, is the Librarian for William Carey International University and a member of Frontier Ventures.
WCIU Journal: Cross-Cultural Communications Topic
October 31, 2018
Compiled by Timothy L. Skinner, MLS
Library of Congress Classification
BV 2000 - BV 3705 Missions
GN Anthropology
Library of Congress Subject Headings
Cross-cultural counseling
Intercultural communication
Intercultural education
Interethnic dating
International education
Minorities—Counseling of
Psychology, Transcultural
Transcultural medical care
Bible Translator
International Bulletin of Missionary Research
International Journal of Frontier Missiology
International Journal of Intercultural Relations
Latin American Evangelist
Muslim World
Notes on Translation
WCIU Journal, Cross-Cultural Communications Topic
Reference Books
Bibliography for Cross-Cultural Workers (1971)
Cross-Cultural Reentry: An Annotated Bibliography (1983)
A Cross-Cultural Summary (1967)
International Encyclopedia of Intercultural Communication, 3 vol. (2018)
International Handbook of Cross-cultural Counseling: Cultural Assumptions and Practices Worldwide (2009)
The Routledge Companion to Cross-cultural Management (2015)
General and Miscellaneous
Angelelli, Claudia V. 2008. Medical Interpreting and Cross-Cultural Communication. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Dresser, Norine. 2003. Our Own Journeys: Readings for Cross-Cultural Communication. London: Pearson Education.
Lingenfelter, Judith E., and Sherwood G. Lingenfelter. 2003. Teaching Cross-Culturally: An Incarnational Model for Learning and Teaching. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic.
Lingenfelter, Sherwood G., and Marvin K. Mayers, 2016. Ministering Cross-Culturally: A Model for Effective Personal Relationships. 3rd ed. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic.
Maude, Barry. 2016. Managing Cross-Cultural Communication: Principles and Practice. 2d ed. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave.
Orsi, Robert A., ed. 1999. Gods of the City: Religion and the American Urban Landscape. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.
Peterson, Brooks. 2004. Cultural Intelligence: A Guide to Working with People from Other Cultures. Boston: Intercultural Press.
Samovar, L. A., and R. F. Porter. 2016. Communication Between Cultures. 9th ed. Boston: Cengage Learning.
Missions and Evangelism
Elmer, Duane. 2009. Cross-Cultural Connections: Stepping Out and Fitting In Around the World. Downers Grove: IVP Academic.
Frykenberg, Robert Eric, ed. 2003. Christians and Missionaries in India: Cross-Cultural Communication Since 1500. Studies in the History of Christian Missions. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
Hesselgrave, David. 1991. Communicating Christ Cross-culturally: An Introduction to Missionary Communication. 2d ed. Grand RapidsI: Zondervan.
Hoke, Steve, and Bill Taylor. 2009. Global Mission Handbook: A Guide for Cross-Cultural Service. Rev. ed. Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press.
Hopler, Thom. 1981. A World of Difference: Following Christ Beyond Your Cultural Walls. Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press.
Kraft, Charles H. 2001. Culture, Communication, and Christianity: A Selection of Writings by Charles H. Kraft. Pasadena: William Carey Library.
Lingenfelter, Sherwood. 1996. Agents of Transformation: A Guide for Cross-Cultural Ministry. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic.
Loss, Myron. 1983. Culture Shock: Dealing with Stress in Cross-cultural Living. Encouragement Ministry.
Reed, Lyman E. 1985. Preparing Missionaries for Intercultural Communication: A Bi-Cultural Approach. Pasadena: William Carey Library.
Shaw, R. Daniel. 1988. Transculturation: The Cultural Factor in Translation and Other Communication Tasks. Pasadena: William Carey Library.
Silzer, Sheryl Takagi. 2011. Biblical Multi-cultural Teams: Applying Biblical Truth to Cultural Differences. Pasadena: WCIU Press.
Smith, Donald K. 1992. Creating Understanding: A Handbook for Christian Communication Across Cultural Landscapes. Grand Rapids: Zondervan.
Van Rheenyn, Gailyn. 1996. Communicating Christ in Animistic Contexts. Pasadena: William Carey Library.
Pastoral and Ecclesiastical Theology
Augsburger, David W. 1986. Pastoral Counseling across Cultures. Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press.
Breckenridge, James and Lilian. 1995. What Color Is Your God? Multicultural Education in the Church. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic.
Elmer, Duane. 1994. Cross-Cultural Conflict: Building Relationships for Effective Ministry. Downers Grove: IVP Academic.
Hesselgrave, David J. 2002. Counseling Cross-Culturally: An Introduction to Theory and Practice for Christians. Reprint from 1984. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock.
Ponteretto, Joseph, et al, eds. 2002. Handbook of Multicultural Counseling. 2d ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Richards, P. Scott, and Allen E. Bergin, eds. 2014. Handbook of Psychotherapy and Religious Diversity. 2d ed. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.
Sue, Derald Wing, et al. 2015. Multicultural Counseling Competencies: Individual and Organizational Development. Thousand Oaks, CA:Sage Publications.