Literature Guide: Christianity in the Philippines
WCIU Journal: Area Studies Topic
June 3, 2021
Compiled by Timothy Skinner, MLS
Also See: Philippines Literature Guide.
Library of Congress Classification
BR 1260 Christianity in the Philippines
BV 3380 – BV 3382 Missions in the Philippines
DS 651 – DS 689 Philippines—History
Dewey Decimal Classification
266 Missions
275 Asian Church history
Library of Congress Subject Headings
Church History—Philippines
Periodical Articles
Briggs, Charles W. “The Missionary Opportunity in the Visayan Islands.” Missionary Review of the World (March 1906): 185-93.
Elwood, Douglas J. “Contemporary Churches and Sects in the Philippines.” The Southeast Asia Journal of Theology (October 1967)
McGavran, Donald Anderson. “The Independent Church in the Philippines: the Story of a Spiritual Quest.” Encounter (Summer 1958)
Robertson, James Alexander. “Catholicism in the Philippine Islands.” The Catholic Historical Review (January 1918)
Stevenson, Dwight E. “Christianity in the Philippines: A Report on the Only Christian Nation inthe Orient.” College of the Bible Quarterly 32, no. 1 (January 1955)
Reference Books with Relevant Articles:
Biographical Dictionary of Christian Missions
A Dictionary of Asian Christianity
The United States in Asia: A Historical Dictionary
World Christian Encyclopedia
General and Miscellaneous
Allen, Franklin W. 1990. Breaking the Barriers: A History and Model of Church/Mission Relationships in the Philippines. Singapore: OMF Books.
Anderson, Gerald H., ed. 1970. Studies in Philippine Church History. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
Apilado, Mariano. 1999. Revolutionary Spirituality. Quezon City: New Day Publishers.
Asedillo, Rebecca C., and B. David Williams, eds. 1989. Rice in the Storm: Faith in Struggle in the Philippines. New York: Friendship Press.
Beaver, Raymond W. 1988. American Baptists and Philippine Baptists Together 1900-1985. Iloilo City, Philippines: Author.
Demetrio, Francisco R. 1981. Christianity in Context. Quezon City, Philippines: New Day.
Jocano, F. Landa. 1981. Folk Christianity: A Preliminary Study of Conversion and Patterning of Christian Experience in the Philippines. Quezon City, Philippines: Trinity Research Institute.
Nadeau, Kathleen. M. 2002. Liberation Theology in the Philippines: Faith in a Revolution. Westport: Praeger.
Santiago, Luciano P. R. 1987. The Hidden Light: The First Filipino Priests. Quezon City: New Day Publishers.
Schumacher, John N. 1987. Readings in Philippine Church History. 2d ed. Quezon City: Loyola School of Theology.
Shirley, Steven. 2004. Guided by God: The Legacy of the Catholic Church in Philippine Politics. Singapore: Marshall Cavendish.
Shetler, Joanne, with Patricia Purvis. 1991. And the Word Came with Power: How God Met and Changed a People Forever. Portland, OR: Multnomah Press.
Sitoy, T. Valentino, Jr. 1985. A History of Christianity in the Philippines, vol. 1: The Initial Encounter. Quezon City: New Day Publishers.
_______. 1997. Several Springs, One Stream: The United Church of Christ in the Philippines. 2 vol. Quezon City: UCCP.
Skivington, S. Robert. 1976. Mission to Mindanao: A Study in the Principles of Church Planting Strategy for the Philippines. Quezon City, Philippines: Conservative Baptist Publications.
Sobrepena, Enrique C. 1964. That They May Be One. Manila: United Church of Christ in the Philippines.
Tuggy, Arthur Leonard. 1971. The Philippine Church: Growth in a Changing Society. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans.
Tuggy, A. Leonard, and Ralph Toliver. 1972. Seeing the Church in the Philippines. Manila: OMF Publishers.
Missionary Biography
David, Christina De Stefano. 2000. Totally Surrounded: With Danger on Every Side, Would She Live to Fulfil Her Destiny? Seattle, WA: YWAM Publishing.
Hefley, Marti. 1984. Assignment in the Philippines: Dramatic Accounts from Jared and Marilee Barker. Chicago: Moody Press.
Varberg, Richard. 2006. From the Iowa Farm to the Philippine Field: Forty Years of Church Planting in the Pearl of the Orient. St. Paul, MN: Richard Varberg.
_______. 2008. Why Didn’t You Come Sooner? Stories from My Life as a Missionary in the Philippines. Pasadena, CA: William Carey Library.
Working among the Poor
Craig, Jenni M. 1998. Servants among the Poor. Manila: OMF Literature.
Duncan, Michael. 1996. Costly Mission: Following Christ in the Slums. Monrovia, CA: MARC.
Grigg, Viv. 1990. Companion to the Poor. Monrovia, CA: MARC.
Books with Relevant Chapters
Athyal, Saphir, ed. 1996. Church in Asia Today: Opportunities and Challenges. Singapore: Asia Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization.
England, John C.,et al, eds. Asian Christian Theologies: A Research Guide to Authors, Movements, Sources. Vol. 2: Southeast Asia. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books.
Hoke, Donald E., ed. 1975. The Church in Asia. Chicago: Moody Press.
Moffett, Samuel Hugh. 2005. A History of Christianity in Asia. Vol. 2: 1500-1900. American Society of Missiology series, no. 36. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books.
Phan, Peter C., ed. 2011. Christianities in Asia. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
Wardin, Albert W., ed. 1995. Baptists around the World: A Comprehensive Handbook. Nashville: Broadman & Holman.
Timothy Skinner, MLS, is Reference Librarian for William Carey International University and a member of Frontier Ventures.