Literature Guide: Medical Missions
WCIU Journal: Health and Disease Topic
September 10, 2018
Compiled by Timothy Skinner, MLS
Library of Congress Classification
RA 390 – RA 392
Dewey Decimal Classification
266 Missions
610 Medicine
920 Biography
Library of Congress Subject Headings
Missionaries, Medical
Missions, Medical
Zenana missions
Periodical issues:
International Review of Mission 83, no. 329 (April 1994): “Health and Healing in Mission”
Missiology 21, no. 3 (July 1993): “Medicine, Health, and Mission”
Periodical Articles
Browne, Stanley Greenhill. 1979. “The Contribution of Medical Missionaries to Tropical Medicine.” Transactions of the Royal Society for Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 73, no. 4:357-60.
Dohn, Michael N., and Anita L. Dohn. 2006. “Short-term Medical Teams.” Evangelical Missions Quarterly 42, no. 2 (April): 216-224.
Grundmann, Christoffer. 1990. “Proclaiming the Gospel by Healing the Sick? Historical and Theological Annotations on Medical Mission.” International Bulletin of Missionary Research 14 (July): 120-6.
_______. 1985. “The Role of Medical Missions in the Missionary Enterprise: A Historical and Missiological Surve. ” Mission Studies 2: 39-48.
Hilton, David. 1987. “The Future of Medical Mission.” International Review of Mission 76, no. 301 (January): 78-81.
Jansen, G. 1995. “Christian Ministry of Healing on its Way to the Year 2000: An Archaeology of Medical Missions.” Missiology 23: 295-307.
_______. 1999. “The Tradition of Medical Missions in the Maelstrom of the International Health Arena.” Missiology 27: 377-92.
McGilvray, James C. 1968. “A Review of Christian Medical Work Today.” International Review of Mission 57, no. 226 (April): 213-16.
Nemec, Jeanne.1980. “A Healing Community in the Caribbean.” International Review of Mission 69 (April): 151-7.
Smalley, William A. 1959. “Some Questions about Missionary Medicine.” Practical Anthropology 6: 90-5.
Taylor, Carl E. 1969. “A Christian Medical Commission’s Role in Health Planning.” International Review of Mission 58, no. 230 (April): 181-94.
Thurman, Suzanne R. 2002. “The Medical Mission Strategy of the Maryknoll Sisters.” Missiology 30: 361-73.
Van Rheenen, Gailyn. 1998. “Animistic and Western Perspectives of Illness and Healing.” International Journal of Frontier Missions 15, no. 2 (April-June): 83-86.
Whiteman, Darrell, ed.1993. “Medicine, Health, and Mission.” Missiology 21: 275-341, 379-83.
Reference Books with Relevant Articles
Concise Dictionary of the Christian World Mission
Dictionary of Asian Christianity
Dictionary of Mission: Theology, History, Perspectives
The Encyclopedia of Christianity (2003)
Encyclopedia of Missions and Missionaries
Evangelical Dictionary of World Missions. S.v. “Health Care and Missions”
New Catholic Encyclopedia
Books with Relevant Chapters
Cook, Harold R. 1962. Missionary Life and Work: A Discussion of Principles and Practices of Missions. Chicago: Moody Press. Ch. 22
Lindsell, Harold. 1955. Missionary Principles and Practice. Revell.
Tucker, Ruth A. 2004. From Jerusalem to Irian Jaya: A Biographical History of Christian Missions. 2d ed. Grand Rapids: Zondervan.
Browne, Stanley G., ed. 1985. Heralds of Health: The Saga of Christian Medical Initiatives. London: Christian Medical Fellowship.
Crane, Sophia M. 1998. A Legacy Remembered: A Century of Medical Missions. Franklin, TN: Providence House.
Ewert, D. Merrill, ed. 1990. A New Agenda for Medical Missions. Brunswick, GA: MAP Int’l.
Fountain, Daniel E. 1999. God, Medicine, and Miracles: The Spiritual Factor in Healing. Wheaton, IL: Harold Shaw Publishers.
Grundmann, Christoffer H. 2005. Sent to Heal!—Emergence and Development of Medical Missions. Lanham, MD: University Press of America.
Hale, Thomas, and Cynthia B. Hale. 1989. Medical Missions: The Adventure and Challenge. Christian Medical and Dental Society.
Halsey, Abram Woodruff. 1912. Presbyterian Medical Missions. London: Murray & Evendon.
Haskin, Dorothy C. 1957. Medical Missionaries You Would Like to Know. Grand Rapids: Zondervan.
Hefley, James C. 1971. The Cross and the Scalpel. Waco, TX: Word.
Kuhn, W., S. Kuhn, H. Gross, S. Benesh, eds. 2007. Global Medical Missions: Preparation, Procedure, Practice. Winepress.
Myers, Bryant L., Erin Dufault-Hunter, and Isaac B. Voss, eds. 2015. Health, Healing, and Shalom: Frontiers and Challenges for Christian Health Missions. Pasadena: WCL.
Palmer, Dennis, and Catherine E. Wolf. 2014. Handbook of Medicine in Developing Countries. 4th ed. Christian Medical and Dental Association.
Seel, David J. 1979. Challenge and Crisis in Missionary Medicine. Pasadena: WCL.
Vanderkooi, Mary. 2009. Village Medical Manual: A Layman’s Guide to Health Care in Developing Countries. Vol. 1: Principles and Procedures. 6th ed. Marion, NC: Equip.
Van Reken, David. 1987. Mission and Ministry: Christian Medical Practice in Today’s Changing World Cultures. Wheaton: Billy Graham Center.
Timothy Skinner, MLS, is the Librarian for William Carey International University and a member of Frontier Ventures.