Literature Guide: Agricultural Missions
WCIU Journal: Environmental Studies Topic
April 12, 2021
Compiled by Timothy L. Skinner
Library of Congress Classification
BV 2695 .F3 Missions among farmers
BV 2695 .M5 Missions among migrant labor
S 532 Agricultural missions
Dewey Decimal Classification
266 Missions
630 Agriculture
Library of Congress Subject Headings
Missions—Agricultural work
Periodical Articles
Daneel, M. L. 2011. “Christian Mission and Earth-Care: An African Case Study.” International Bulletin of Missionary Research 35, no. 3 (July): 130-36.
Goforth, Zeke. 2011. “Rice Farming and Church Planting.” Evangelical Missions Quarterly 47, no. 4 (October): 404-09.
Gustafson, James W. 1984. “A Life Program: Jim Gustafson Talks about His Work in Thailand.” World Christian 3 (November): 14-15.
Kornfield, David, and Marlene Rapp. 1984. “Growing Grace: Thai Christians Learn to Give.” World Christian 3 (March): 36-37.
Leydon, M. “The Harvest Grows Slowly: Reaching Farmers in Central Thailand.” 1984. World Christian 3: 38-39.
Rapp, Marlene, and David Kornfield. “Dance with Joy: Thai Christians Learn to Praise God.” 1984. World Christian 3 (July): 14-16.
_______. “The Pig and the Living Word.” 1984. World Christian 3 (January): 32-35.
Rhodes, J. Benton. 1975. “Agricultural Missions Today and Yesterday.” International Review of Mission 64, no. 256 (October): 346-53.
Roberts, Dana L. 2011 “Historical Trends in Missions and Earth Care.” International Bulletin of Missionary Research 35, no. 3 (July): 123-28.
Sorley, Craig. 2011. “Christ, Creation Stewardship, and Missions: How Discipleship into a Biblical Worldview on Environmental Stewardship Can Transform People and Their Land.” International Bulletin of Missionary Research 35, no. 3 (July): 137-43.
Reference Books with Relevant Articles
The Brethren Encyclopedia, vol. 2 (1983). S.v. “Moomaw, Ira Wilbur.”
Concise Dictionary of the Christian World Mission.
Dictionary of the Ecumenical Movement. S.v. “Rural Agricultural Mission.”
Dictionary of Mission: Theology, History, Perspectives. 1997. S.v. “Ecology and Mission.”
Evangelical Dictionary of World Missions. 2000. S.v. “Agricultural Missions.”
Oxford Encyclopedia of South Asian Christianity. S.v. “Allahabad Agricultural Institute / University”
Missionary Biography
Case, Brayton C. 1946. Lazy-man-rest-not: The Burma Letters of Brayton C. Case. Randolph L. Howar, selector. Philadelphia: Judson Press.
Coles, Samuel B. 1957. Preacher with a Plow. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
Cramer, Robert F. 1968. Hunger Fighter in Burma: The Story of Brayton Case. New York: Friendship Press.
De Valois, John James. 1978. Autobiography of John James De Valois, Agricultural Missionary. Church of South India: J. De Valois.
Higginbottom, Sam. 1949. Sam Higginbottom, Farmer: An Autobiography.
Nelson, Rupert. Like the Rings of a Tree. 2005. Bloomington, IN: Author House.
______. 2006. Jai Yen Means Keep a Cool Heart: Life among the Mountain Tribes of Thailand. Bloomington, IN: Author House.
General and Miscellaneous
DeWitt, Calvin, and Ghillean T. Prance, eds. 1992. Missionary Earthkeeping. Macon, GA: Mercer University Press.
Felton, Ralph Almon. 1955. Hope Rises from the Land. New York: Friendship Press.
Garcia, Jesus. 2017. Slaves in Paradise: A Priest Stands Up for Exploited Sugarcane Workers. San Francisco: Ignatius Press.
Hendricks, Garland A. 1959. Call to the Country. Atlanta, GA: Home Mission Board, Southern Baptist Convention.
Hess, Gary H. 1968. American Agricultural Missionaries and Efforts at Economic Improvement in India. Agri History.
Higginbottom, Samuel. 2017, original 1938. The Gospel and the Plow; Or, the old Gospel and Modern Farming in Ancient India. Trieste Publishing.
Hunnicutt, Benjamin H., and William Watkins Reid. 1931. The Story of Agricultural Missions. New York: Missionary Education Movement of the United States and Canada.
Kirkwood, Dean. 1985. God’s Earth: Our Trust. Valley Forge, PA: International Ministries, American Baptist Churches USA.
McConnell, Charles M. 1931. The Rural Billion. New York: Friendship Press.
Moomaw, Ira W. 1966. Crusade against Hunger: The Dramatic Story of the Worldwide Antipoverty Crusades of the Churches. New York: Harper & Row.
_______. 1957. Deep Furrows: Goals, Methods, and Results of Those Who Work Toward a Better Tomorrow. New York: Agricultural Missions, for the Rural Missions Cooperating Committee of the Division of Foreign Missions.
Peters, John L. 1976. Cry Dignity! Oklahoma City, OK: World Neighbors.
_______. 1989. Loving God Isn’t Enough. Old Tappan, NJ: Fleming H. Revell.
Simon, Arthur R. 1975. Bread for the World. Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press.
Stewart, Susan. 1998. Learning Together: The Agricultural Worker’s Participatory Sourcebook. Christian Veterinary Mission.
Winnings, John V. 2018. Mountain Majesty: A History of CODEP Haiti, Where Sustainable Agricultural Development Works. 2 vol. Dudley Court Press.
Books with Relevant Chapters
Adeney, Miriam. 1984. God’s Foreign Policy. Vancouver, B.C.: Regent College Publishing. Chapter 2: “Agriculture: Helping People Feed Themselves.”
Dennis, James S. 1906. Christian Missions and Social Progress: A Sociological Study of Foreign Missions. New York: Revell.
Henry, Carl F. H., convener, and Robert Lincoln Hancock, ed. 1979. The Ministry of Development in Evangelical Perspective. Pasadena, CA: William CareymLibrary.
Hiebert, Paul G., and Eloise Hiebert Meneses. 1995. Incarnational Ministry: Planting Churches in Band, Tribal, Peasant, and Urban Societies. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic.
Hocking, William Ernest. 1932. Re-Thinking Missions: A Laymen’s Inquiry After One Hundred Years. New York: Harper & Row.
Kane, J. Herbert. 1980. Life and Work on the Missions Field. Grand Rapids: Baker. Chapter 29: “Community Development.”
Mott, John R. 1947. Addresses and Papers of John R. Mott. Vol. 5: The International Missionary Council. New York: Association Press.
Winter, Ralph D., and Steven C. Hawthorne, eds. 1999. Perspectives on the World Christian Movement: A Reader. 3d ed. Pasadena, CA: William Carey Library. Chapter 37: “The History of Mission Strategy” by R. Pierce Beaver; Chapter 73: “Who (Really) Was William Carey?” by Vishal and Ruth Mangalwadi.
Organizations and Websites
Agricultural Missions, Inc., 475 Riverside Drive, New York, NY
Phone: (212) 870-2553
FARMS International
Heifer Project International
Steer, Inc.
World Neighbors
Timothy Skinner, MLS, is the Reference Librarian for William Carey International University and a member of Frontier Ventures.