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Submission Guidelines for William Carey International Development Journal:
William Carey International Development Journal (WCIDJ) is the online journal from William Carey International University (WCIU), devoted to interdisciplinary research focused on the historical, cultural, and spiritual roots of human problems around the world, as well as analysis and discussion of proposed solutions.
The editorial committee welcomes submissions from WCIU faculty, students, and alumni, from NGO partners, and from scholars of other institutions. The WCIU Journal publishes and accepts submissions for the types of papers listed below in English, Spanish, French, Korean, or Chinese.
Articles for the WCIDJ must be scholarly, academic papers related to one of these topics: Area Studies, Community and Societal Development, Cross-Cultural Communication, Education, Environmental Issues, Health and Disease, Leadership, Social Justice, Women in International Development, or Worldview.
We also encourage informal Reflection pieces of 500-1000 words on these topics.
Articles should be approximately 3000-4000 words, (not including citations or references) and should use the Turabian 7th edition social science (author-date) style of citations. (See this e-Turabian link for an online reference generator. Be sure to select “Reference List” style.) Please submit your article and Include with your paper a 100-200 word abstract and a brief author bio and jpeg image.
WCIU Journal Comment Policy
We encourage and desire comments on the WCIU Journal and blog, and hope you will join the discussion. However, we moderate all comments before they are posted, and comments that are off-topic, selling a product, or clearly spam will be deleted. We also expect a basic level of civility; disagreements are fine, but mutual respect is a must, and profanity, abusive language, and personal attacks are out-of-bounds and those comments will be deleted. Commenters who regularly post mean-spirited and rude comments will be banned. The editors reserve the right to decide the terms and what comments get posted.
All comments are moderated by the editor to check for spam and will appear online within 24 hours. However, although we try our best, sometimes comments end up in our spam folder. If you do not see your comment online after 24 hours, simply contact us at and let us know you posted a comment so we can go and make it live. Thanks for your patience!